Forget Paris, Rome is the city of love

Trevi Fountain

There is something a bit magic about Rome. Since returning from a four day sojourn, I have been on a movie binge, watching anything and everything set in Rome. This has led me to watch some terrible romantic-comedies in the process which have made me wish for the 2 hours of my life back, but also some wonderful stories - mostly about love. I got a thrill seeing settings I had just visited such as the Trevi Fountain, the Colosseum and the Vatican City portrayed on screen.

The Colosseum

And there is definitely a reason that so many love stories (and terrible rom-coms) are set in this city. When the backdrop is Roman ruins, beautiful detailed sculptures, fountains and works of art, it certainly sets the stage for something extraordinary to happen. I found myself walking around with a dopey grin on my face, awe struck most of the time, loving everything I was seeing.

Found inside a small church

Colourful buildings with purple flowers spilling over the balcony and down the walls, little cobblestone alleyways and 30 degree heat all add to the city’s romance. In fact the word Roman and romance are so similar - can this be a coincidence? I must Google. (Romance used to refer to the romantic languages such as French, Italian, Spanish etc, derived from Latin - the language of the Romans - however romance didn’t have anything to do with love until the 17th century.)

The dome of St Peter's Basilica among the roof tops of Rome

The four days I spent in Rome were revitalising and rejuvenating. I fell in love with the city and I have been having withdrawals ever since. It stoked the fire to travel more as I never had a burning desire to visit Rome, but once I was there, I was spellbound looking around at all the myths and legends depicted in art. It gave me this sense of freedom that a life less ordinary, filled with travel, adventure and learning, can just be as rewarding and fulfilling as any other life.     


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