Rose’s Rant: Facebook phone uploads.

Ok, ok, ok, I can tolerate the mountain of baby photos, the incessant need to post whatever culinary delight you may be eating but the line has to be drawn somewhere and I believe I have found it.

I logged on today to find a picture of a potty with a little puddle of wee in it. I don’t care how proud you are that your little darling has done her first, “mummy wow – I’m a big kid now” moment – that should never be shared – not even your family and close friends want to see that let alone the hordes of facebook acquaintances you have made over the years.

Instead of blame you, I am going to blame the cause - smart phones. They’re dangerous - they’re too instant and something that can seem like a good idea at the time is really not...  I think there needs to be a ‘count to 10’ application:

1.    I wouldn't put this on my kid’s 21st board so why would I put it up on facebook?

2.   Would I show my mum this post?

3.   While we’re at it, my boss?

4.   While we’re at it, that cute guy who added me last week?

5.   Is this sunset REALLY the best I’ve ever seen? I mean really...

6.   I mean it’s a good looking sandwhich... but how about I just enjoy eating it...

7.   I have already posted 5 photos of my children today... do I really need to post another?

8.   I actually don’t think people care what my hair looks like today, tomorrow, or ever for that matter.

9.  I mean it’s cool that I go to the gym and all – but I’m making all my lazy friends out there hate me a little bit. 
10.I love my significant other – how about I tell them that instead of posting it to people who want to vomit a little bit at public displays of affection.

At least when the internet was confined to computers people had to go through the motions of booting it up and connecting their cameras – far too much effort just to post a photo of your BLT let alone your child’s urine.

In saying this, I have just been given a smart phone from work and I will probably full victim to instantly uploading something I will regret (sorry mum and boss in advance) but unless I’m being tortured somewhere – I vow not to post bodily fluids.  


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