Rose’s Rant: Facebook phone uploads.
Ok, ok, ok, I can tolerate the mountain of baby photos, the incessant need to post whatever culinary delight you may be eating but the line has to be drawn somewhere and I believe I have found it. I logged on today to find a picture of a potty with a little puddle of wee in it. I don’t care how proud you are that your little darling has done her first, “mummy wow – I’m a big kid now” moment – that should never be shared – not even your family and close friends want to see that let alone the hordes of facebook acquaintances you have made over the years. Instead of blame you, I am going to blame the cause - smart phones. They’re dangerous - they’re too instant and something that can seem like a good idea at the time is really not... I think there needs to be a ‘count to 10’ application: 1. I wouldn't put this on my kid’s 21 st board so why would I put it up on facebook? 2. Would I show my mum this post? 3. ...