Cooking Up a Storm.

Sick of eating the same old crap, my friends and I have started up a cooking club if you will. Every week one of us picks a recipe then sends an email around to tell the others what to bring. We cook it together, and eat it together, and it’s a way of trying something a little bit fancy. Since high school Danielle and I would dream of what we were going to eat when we got out of school to get us though the day, so it was only natural that it progressed into our mid 20s.  The first one got off to an interesting start.

I choose a delicious and succulent Italian styled stuffed  chicken recipe. It had my mouth watering through out the day.  Well that was until I got a txt from a friend that recently got back into town and wanted to meet up at 5pm. I wasn’t meeting Gavin until 7.30pm so I thought it would be tons of time to have a quick drink, go to the supermarket, buy the ingredients and then get back to my apartment.

Nope, no, I thought wrong. I got completely lost in conversation with my friend and by the time I checked my phone it was 7.30, and Gavin was ringing me to say he was downstairs in the lobby.

All the swear words under the sun later I was marching up the hill to meet Gavin. Instead  of stuffed chicken we were going to have the search the contents of my fridge (and that is pretty scares at the best of times). Gavin had gone all out on drinks and salad duty. Vodka, fejoa juice, wheatgrass juice, aged cheddar, baby carrots and all. My contribution turned out to be cocktail sausages left over from Shai’s birthday party, limes, and watties tomato sauce.

A word to the wise - Vodka, fejoa and wheatgrass juice with a wedge of lime is not only delicious, but there was no hangover the next day either!

Another drink that we created, was inspired by a random conversation I had at snapdragon. He was a teacher, and because I am doing my masters on child abuse, I asked if he sees much abuse with the kids that he taught. He explained that one day he tried to teach the kids about the different types of food groups, and he prompted, “what’s protein?” one student shot up his hand and replied, “savaloy soup“. Baffled? So was I, but it’s the juice left over from boiling the cocktail sausages. He said the parents would have the sausages for dinner, and the kids were left to drink the broth.

Gavin said that his Mum used to drink it, so I thought I would give it a whirl. With a nip of vodka just for those extra nutrients. The picture makes it look quite tasty, fruity even, but pictures are deceiving it tasted like meaty vodka!

Had it been anyone else, they would have been furious with me, but Gavin shrugged and laughed it off that I subjected him to cocktail sausages and salad for dinner, when we should have been eating stuffed baked chicken. I will make it up to you this week!


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  2. Hey Rose! I really enjoy reading your blog its always a goodlaugh! I wish you all the best with your desired future career and if, one day, you feel the need to get beyond articles about stranded penguins and endangered kiwibirds for your local newspapers and decide to earn your bread as a freelance-journalist it would be a pleasure for me to accmpany you and guard you from lions and evil men for example ;) I might even carry your equipment sometimes :D cheers! gez. Heinrich der Vierte


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