Bordeaux the seducer
Bordeaux is probably the sexiest place on earth. Previously I would have awarded that non-scientific and totally subjective title to a South American city - Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Cartegena - due to their heat, language, music and dancing. Of course the ridiculous amount of gorgeous people in those cities doesn’t hurt either. However after being to Bordeaux, I will have to rethink that. Maybe not more sexy, but a different kind of sexy. Sex isn’t so in your face like it is in South America, it is a bit more hidden and subtle, but it is definitely there. It is there in the fashion with men and women having their own individual and unique styles. It is there in the language, which isn’t specific to Bordeaux, but the soft, feminine, inviting tones of French certainly make me a bit giddy. It is there in the food where a 3 euro lunch of bread and cheese, or more complex flavours at a bistro, will have you involuntarily swooning with pleasure and it is there in the wine w...