My time in India
If I was to write an Eat, Pray, Love knock off - I would set it all in India. It was my “eat” with the most delicious curries and naans. It was my “pray” with religion totally and utterly in your face, and while I wasn’t a participant, it is almost impossible to go to India without feeling something close to spirituality. And it was my “love”. In India I saw some of the most distressing scenes. A dog with its eye freshly gouged out snapping at flies who were trying to invade. A man riddled with leprosy begging on the street and when we gave him money, he dropped it onto the road and tried to scoop it up with his barely there limb, scrapping it along the asphalt. These scenes are not what will stay with me, but what will, is the kindness that was seen daily. A common sight was waiters handing out drinks to kids on the streets or giving left over food to stray dogs or cows. Food was shared with everyone on the train, and often people gave what they could to the homeless. It was th...