Happiness is catching

I stumbled across an article on one of my facebook binges which said the first step to achieving authentic happiness is writing a gratitude letter. I can’t think of a better subject than my mother – after all, I wouldn’t be here without you and Dad and your love and support - and you read this blog without fail. Dear Mum, I think you are pretty cool. At 59 you can still do a hand stand, you want to travel the world (again), and you are way fitter than me. I have you to thank for instilling a sense of adventure. When I was little you used to tell me about your voyages as a little girl travelling by boat to and from New Zealand and England – you showed me pictures of what you looked like when you were my age and I thought you looked so pretty (and I still do). Even though you worked when we were growing up, you found time to do all sorts of creative things with us like make little characters out of felt and build elaborate places out of play dough. You gave us a...